Friday, June 7, 2013

If you're looking for my heart, you can find it in a little villagecalled Chiang Phang


This past week has been incredible. Ive already seen so much. So much wealth. So much poverty. Its really difficult to put into words. What I can say though, is this: Christ is at work everywhere. He doesn't need us. But what a joy and a priviledge it is for Him to invite us to join on His glorious work. He is at work here in Thailand. The need for the gospel is so evident. So many unreached. So many blinded by Buddhism and spirit worship. Outside most homes and businesses there are small decorated and ornamented temples. Families and business owners feed the "spirits" and give them gifts so that they will protect them and bring blessing upon their business or home.

I'm thankful that we serve a God who doesn't require us to work to earn His favor, but instead, He did all the work. He paid it all. He has given us all we ever need and more. We could never work hard enough, do enough, or be enough to earn salvation. And that, the Most High God sacrificing His own son for me, is the most beautiful picture of grace.

I just want to share of this freedom with everyone I meet.

We are serving in the Northeast region of Thailand, also known as Isaan. Here, there is less than 1 Christian per 1,000 people, making this an unreached people group.

Though this lack of light is daunting, the light that is here is absolutely beautiful. Where we are serving, Sajatharm Church (which means the Truth) is the biggest church in the Isaan region. There are about 60-80 people that attend on Sundays. There are missionaries here from Singapore, Australia, the Netherlands, Papa New Guinea, China, Canada, and Georgia. Ive never worshipped or prayed with such a diverse group of believers. I see a small glimpse of heaven as we all sing together. All to the same God! And I am in awe.

This last week we have gone through a lot of cultural and language training, which has been really interesting! The culture here is so friendly. Its hard to not fall in love with the people. All if them greet us and try to start up conversation. Which proves to be quite humorous as we try to pronounce words in the correct tone (often failing miserably.) For example, I tried telling my new Thai friend that she was cute, so i leaned over to her and said "Naa-Rai." Well, it turns out that its pronounced "Naa-Raa" and instead i told her that she has acne... Thai is so difficult!

Today we went outside of the city into a small village called Chiang Phang to kick off the new semester of meeting with the kids every week to play games, have snacks, shower them with love and hugs, and share about Jesus. All of the children that came were so full of joy. We played many games and even though we just met- they hugged and smiled and grabbed my hand as if we were the best of friends. They would speak to me in Thai- and I would have no idea what they were saying, which was frustrating. But it was then that I was reminded of how smiles and laughter know no culture, no skin tone, no language. They are universal. What a gift.

I'm so thankful.

Next week we begin teaching English at a technical school, where the students know very little English. This might prove to be the most difficult task yet. Please pray for us, as we have never taught English before. Pray that we also are able to build relationships with our students in order for doors to be opened and Christ's name be made known. Pray for the church here- as there are many needs.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:1-2

1 comment:

  1. James & Linda DanielJune 11, 2013 at 7:24 PM

    Lindy, we're thinking about you. And we enjoyed your blog. I took a copy to church to put on our missions board. Granddaddy says to tell you he likes your title, "A Little Bit of Coffee and Whole Lot of Jesus." Praying for you, have a good time. -- Grandmother and Granddaddy.
