Sunday, June 23, 2013

Dead Hearts Come Alive

Time flys. We have already been here over 3 weeks. It's going by too fast! This was our first week teaching at Rajabhat University. It's quite a big school, and the student's English is much better than the students at the technical school we have been teaching at for the past 2 weeks. Just in two days we were already able to make connections with some of our students. Many of them are Thai dance majors, and they invited us to their class on Friday. It was beautiful! The dance is so precise and difficult. Every movement, even of the fingers is exact. I was blown away. One thing that really was bizarre was the prevalence of "lady boys." Homosexuality here is rampant. But for many homosexual men, it is common for them to cross-dress. Wearing makeup, having long hair, and dressing in girl's uniforms are all very common. Honestly, there were a couple that I thought were girls, until they told me they were "lady boys." This trend is heart breaking, but also eye opening. Jesus loves them just as much as a normal straight man. God's love isn't partial. (Duet 10:17)

I'm blown away by the testimony of one of my new friends here in Thailand. He is in high school, and for a long time he identified himself as a "lady boy" wearing makeup and girls clothes. He became friends with some youth that attend the church here, and began getting involved. He continued to cross dress and wear makeup- but the church, instead of pushing him out or condemning him, loved him. They just shared Christ with him. Gave him the truth of the gospel. Loved him, despite his sin. One day, several months ago- he felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He knew he needed Jesus. He changed instantly. He threw away all of his makeup. All of his girl clothing. He told the church he wanted to be a man. He wanted to be the man God was calling him to be. When he went back to school, his old friends persecuted him for changing, for accepting Christ and leaving his old identity. Despite persecution and various trials, he has remained faithful. Christ is growing in him. He is stepping up as a leader in the youth and is an encouragement to so many in the church. Including myself!

I'm convinced that if Christ was alive in person on earth today, He would do just the same with sinners as he did with the woman at the well. He offered her the living water (Jn 4:14) Grace. He knew her sin (4:18) yet, he did not condemn her. Grace. He revealed himself to her. "I who speak to you am He" (4:26) Grace.

What would the world look like if Christians preached this message? The message of grace and truth. Instead of what has been preached- that homosexuality is a greater sin than any other. That we people need to correct "bad behavior." Condemning those who don't know Christ, who are still in slavery to sin. How can we hold non-Christians to Godly standards? We, even in Christ, fail everyday. The only thing good in us IS Christ. So how can we look at those in bondage to sin and tell them to "straighten up." I believe that the example Christ laid for us is the only one we should follow. Correcting behavior isn't the answer. Jesus is the answer. None of us could change on our own. Our hearts were wicked. We were hopeless before Christ. He didn't just come to make us "better people." He came and gave us a new heart- His. A heart transplant is the only way a dead heart blinded by sin can come to life.

This is message that has been laid on my heart. To love. To display His love. Even when it's difficult. Even when its uncomfortable. Even when its dangerous. And when the language barrier makes it nearly impossible to share- I'll love. I'll pray. He is faithful. His grace is sufficient.

Prayer requests:
• For discipleship to begin at Sajatharm Baptist Church
• For the youth to remain steadfast under persecution for their faith in school
• For Rachel and I as we begin to build relationships with our students
• For opportunities to share Christ while we teach (and ideas on how to do so)
• For new friendships with girls our age, involved in Church functions but not yet believers

Our students practicing traditional Thai dance!

Rachel and I with our new friends!



  1. Oh Lindy, how the Lord is stretching you. You are forever changed my sweet Girl. Stay strong, stay in the Word, and know you are loved and prayed for continually. Mrs. Va

  2. Lindy, we're all super proud of what you're doing there. Keep up the good work and be safe. You are prayed for and missed, although we know that you'll be back home sooner than we realize.
